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Himalayan Pink Salt Fine 400gm - Shan

Himalayan Pink Salt Fine 400gm - Shan

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Pink Himalayan Salt is a pure and unrefined salt that comes from the primeval seas that occurred millions of years ago in the Himalayas. This salt has been extracted for years and belongs to the most natural and pure species. It is considered the most nutritious salt in the world and is an excellent alternative to refined (processed) standard kitchen salt.

Benefits of Using Himalayan Pink Rock Salt:
You can use it for regular cooking or sprinkle it over salads, veggies, dal, etc. Himalayan Pink Rock Salt is good for seasoning meat and it gets absorbed, stays and spreads well. You can blend it on sweet dishes or desserts, It has less porosity and as it has no moisture it can safely be heated or chilled at higher extreme temperatures. This quality makes it versatile and it can be crumbled over your food. You can bake, sauté, grill or even platter serve.

Uses and Benefits of Himalayan Pink Salt:
  • The Himalayan Pink Rock Salt has potassium, magnesium, and calcium that are precious ingredients.
  • It has many benefits that will prove its definitely superior to regular table salt.
  • Blood sugar and hormonal balance get regulated:
  • A daily dosage of Himalayan Pink Rock Salt ensures the adequate flow of fluids in your body.
  • Maintains a good balance of minerals and hormones. 
  • Helps in improving blood sugar levels and prevents sudden blood sugar spikes.

Flushes out toxins:
To experience the benefits of Himalayan Rock Pink Salt make sole water. Fill 1/4th of a jug with Himalayan salt. Add water to it till the top. Seal the jug with a lid and keep it overnight. In the morning you will observe that the salt has dissolved in the water and you will find not even a trace of salt left at the bottom of the jar. This shows that water has absorbed all the salt and is fully saturated.
It is now turned to mix 1 tablespoon of sole water in regular water and consume it every morning. When you drink this water each morning it maintains the pH levels in the body, improves energy levels, hydrates you and flushes out the toxins. The negatively charged ions in pure salt and the trace minerals enter the cells to remove the toxins from your body.

Facilitates digestion:
The digestion process begins in our mouth. Himalayan Pink Rock Salt activates our salivary glands to release amylase an enzyme to help digest carbohydrates. It then stimulates hydrochloric acid and other enzymes to digest protein. This further helps to breakdown food.

Treats respiratory problems:
Salt therapy uses Himalayan Pink Rock Salt for respiratory problems. In some cases, the salt inhaler is used or at times the patient is made to sit in a room filled with salt-rich air. When this salty air is inhaled, the salt particles travel through the respiratory system. The antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that salt contains clean the lung and sinus. It is believed that this salt therapy treats chest congestion and allergies. This type of salt actually kills bacteria, bonds with the contaminants and removes them.

Purifies air:
Himalayan salt lamps add beauty to the corners of a room and they also are great air purifiers. They attract moisture from the air. The warmth of the surface makes the water evaporates quickly. When evaporation takes place, it creates negative ions that react with pollen, dirt, pollutants, etc which carry a positive charge and neutralize them.

Bathing is salt:
Soak your body with Himalayan brine bath as it rejuvenates your skin. Dermal absorption soaks your skin with minerals that benefit your skin. Chromium fights acne, Sulphur keeps your skin smooth and zinc removes scaring. Himalayan Pink Rock Salt helps to smooth cramped muscles. You can add warm water to feel energized.

Himalayan Pink Rock Salt is better than regular table salt. It is a natural healer and is available in different grain sizes. For cooking, purposes use extra-fine grains and for finishing you can use the medium size one.

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